
Used by
Included schema geometryPrimitives.xsd
GML is an OGC Standard. Copyright (c) 2001,2005,2010 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit .
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: qualified
Element gml:curveMember
This property element either references a curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. A curve element is any element which is substitutable for "_Curve".
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index23.tmp#id236 index23.tmp#id2526
Type gml:CurvePropertyType
content: complex
Used by
Model gml:_Curve
Children gml:_Curve
<gml:curveMember xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <gml:_Curve axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:_Curve>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="curveMember" type="gml:CurvePropertyType">
    <documentation>This property element either references a curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. A curve element is any element which is substitutable for "_Curve".</documentation>
Element gml:_Solid
The "_Solid" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all (continuous) solid elements.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index23.tmp#id173 index27.tmp#id2812 index63.tmp#id2455 index27.tmp#id2454 index23.tmp#id171
Type gml:AbstractSolidType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name*
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:_Solid axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="_Solid" type="gml:AbstractSolidType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_GeometricPrimitive">
    <documentation>The "_Solid" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all (continuous) solid elements.</documentation>
Element gml:Curve
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index23.tmp#id173 index23.tmp#id238 index27.tmp#id2852 index27.tmp#id2851 index23.tmp#id236
Type gml:CurveType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:segments
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:segments
<gml:Curve axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="Curve" type="gml:CurveType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Curve"/>
Element gml:segments
This property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2854 index27.tmp#id2853
Type gml:CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType
content: complex
Used by
Complex Type gml:CurveType
Model gml:_CurveSegment*
Children gml:_CurveSegment
  <gml:_CurveSegment numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">{0,unbounded}</gml:_CurveSegment>
<element name="segments" type="gml:CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType">
    <documentation>This property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.</documentation>
Element gml:_CurveSegment
The "_CurveSegment" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all curve segment elements, i.e. continuous segments of the same interpolation mechanism.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2861 index27.tmp#id2856 index27.tmp#id2859 index27.tmp#id2868 index27.tmp#id2864 index27.tmp#id2867 index27.tmp#id2865 index27.tmp#id2855 index27.tmp#id2863
Type gml:AbstractCurveSegmentType
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="_CurveSegment" type="gml:AbstractCurveSegmentType" abstract="true">
    <documentation>The "_CurveSegment" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all curve segment elements, i.e. continuous segments of the same interpolation mechanism.</documentation>
Element gml:baseCurve
This property element either references a curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. A curve element is any element which is substitutable for "_Curve".
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index23.tmp#id236 index23.tmp#id2526
Type gml:CurvePropertyType
content: complex
Used by
Model gml:_Curve
Children gml:_Curve
<gml:baseCurve xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <gml:_Curve axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:_Curve>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="baseCurve" type="gml:CurvePropertyType">
      <sch:pattern name="Check either href or content not both">
        <sch:rule context="gml:baseCurve">
          <sch:extends rule="hrefOrContent"/>
    <documentation>This property element either references a curve via the XLink-attributes or contains the curve element. A curve element is any element which is substitutable for "_Curve".</documentation>
Element gml:OrientableCurve
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index23.tmp#id173 index23.tmp#id238 index27.tmp#id2876 index27.tmp#id2874 index27.tmp#id2875 index23.tmp#id236
Type gml:OrientableCurveType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:baseCurve
Children gml:baseCurve, gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:OrientableCurve axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" orientation="+" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
orientation gml:SignType + optional
If the orientation is "+", then the OrientableCurve is identical to the baseCurve. If the orientation is "-", then the OrientableCurve is related to another _Curve with a parameterization that reverses the sense of the curve traversal. "+" is the default value.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="OrientableCurve" type="gml:OrientableCurveType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Curve"/>
Element gml:LineStringSegment
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2878 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2877 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:LineStringSegmentType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Used by
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates)
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:LineStringSegment interpolation="linear" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType linear optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For a LineStringSegment the interpolation is fixed as "linear".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="LineStringSegment" type="gml:LineStringSegmentType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:ArcString
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2881 index27.tmp#id2882 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2880 index27.tmp#id2857 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:ArcStringType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates)
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:ArcString interpolation="circularArc3Points" numArc="" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc3Points optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcString the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc3Points".
numArc integer optional
The number of arcs in the arc string can be explicitly stated in this attribute. The number of control points in the arc string must be 2 * numArc + 1.
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="ArcString" type="gml:ArcStringType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:Arc
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2881 index27.tmp#id2882 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2880 index27.tmp#id2884 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2883 index27.tmp#id2858 index27.tmp#id2856
Type gml:ArcType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates)
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:Arc interpolation="circularArc3Points" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc3Points optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcString the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc3Points".
numArc integer 1 optional
An arc is an arc string consiting of a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="Arc" type="gml:ArcType" substitutionGroup="gml:ArcString"/>
Element gml:Circle
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2881 index27.tmp#id2882 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2880 index27.tmp#id2884 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2883 index27.tmp#id2885 index27.tmp#id2857
Type gml:CircleType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates)
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:Circle interpolation="circularArc3Points" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc3Points optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcString the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc3Points".
numArc integer 1 optional
An arc is an arc string consiting of a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="Circle" type="gml:CircleType" substitutionGroup="gml:Arc"/>
Element gml:ArcStringByBulge
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2889 index27.tmp#id2890 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2887 index27.tmp#id2888 index27.tmp#id2886 index27.tmp#id2860 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:ArcStringByBulgeType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:bulge+ , gml:normal+
Children gml:bulge, gml:coordinates, gml:normal, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:ArcStringByBulge interpolation="circularArc2PointWithBulge" numArc="" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:normal axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,unbounded}</gml:normal>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc2PointWithBulge optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcStringByBulge the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc2PointWithBulge".
numArc integer optional
The number of arcs in the arc string can be explicitly stated in this attribute. The number of control points in the arc string must be numArc + 1.
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="ArcStringByBulge" type="gml:ArcStringByBulgeType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:ArcStringByBulgeType / gml:bulge
The bulge controls the offset of each arc's midpoint. The "bulge" is the real number multiplier for the normal that determines the offset direction of the midpoint of each arc. The length of the bulge sequence is exactly 1 less than the length of the control point array, since a bulge is needed for each pair of adjacent points in the control point array. The bulge is not given by a distance, since it is simply a multiplier for the normal. The midpoint of the resulting arc is given by: midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge*normal
Type double
content: simple
maxOccurs: unbounded
<element name="bulge" type="double" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>The bulge controls the offset of each arc's midpoint. The "bulge" is the real number multiplier for the normal that determines the offset direction of the midpoint of each arc. The length of the bulge sequence is exactly 1 less than the length of the control point array, since a bulge is needed for each pair of adjacent points in the control point array. The bulge is not given by a distance, since it is simply a multiplier for the normal.
The midpoint of the resulting arc is given by: midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge*normal</documentation>
Element gml:ArcStringByBulgeType / gml:normal
The attribute "normal" is a vector normal (perpendicular) to the chord of the arc, the line joining the first and last point of the arc. In a 2D coordinate system, there are only two possible directions for the normal, and it is often given as a signed real, indicating its length, with a positive sign indicating a left turn angle from the chord line, and a negative sign indicating a right turn from the chord. In 3D, the normal determines the plane of the arc, along with the start and endPoint of the arc. The normal is usually a unit vector, but this is not absolutely necessary. If the normal is a zero vector, the geometric object becomes equivalent to the straight line between the two end points. The length of the normal sequence is exactly the same as for the bulge sequence, 1 less than the control point sequence length.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="normal" type="gml:VectorType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>The attribute "normal" is a vector normal (perpendicular) to the chord of the arc, the line joining the first and last
point of the arc. In a 2D coordinate system, there are only two possible directions for the normal, and it is often given as a signed real, indicating its length, with a positive sign indicating a left turn angle from the chord line, and a negative sign indicating a right turn from the chord. In 3D, the normal determines the plane of the arc, along with the start and endPoint of the arc.
The normal is usually a unit vector, but this is not absolutely necessary. If the normal is a zero vector, the geometric object becomes equivalent to the straight line between the two end points. The length of the normal sequence is exactly the same as for the bulge sequence, 1 less than the control point sequence length.</documentation>
Element gml:ArcByBulge
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2889 index27.tmp#id2890 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2887 index27.tmp#id2888 index27.tmp#id2886 index27.tmp#id2894 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2892 index27.tmp#id2893 index27.tmp#id2891 index27.tmp#id2859
Type gml:ArcByBulgeType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:bulge , gml:normal
Children gml:bulge, gml:coordinates, gml:normal, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:ArcByBulge interpolation="circularArc2PointWithBulge" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:normal axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:normal>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArc2PointWithBulge optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcStringByBulge the interpolation is fixed as "circularArc2PointWithBulge".
numArc integer 1 optional
An arc is an arc string consiting of a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="ArcByBulge" type="gml:ArcByBulgeType" substitutionGroup="gml:ArcStringByBulge"/>
Element gml:ArcByBulgeType / gml:bulge
The bulge controls the offset of each arc's midpoint. The "bulge" is the real number multiplier for the normal that determines the offset direction of the midpoint of each arc. The length of the bulge sequence is exactly 1 less than the length of the control point array, since a bulge is needed for each pair of adjacent points in the control point array. The bulge is not given by a distance, since it is simply a multiplier for the normal. The midpoint of the resulting arc is given by: midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge*normal
Type double
content: simple
<element name="bulge" type="double">
    <documentation>The bulge controls the offset of each arc's midpoint. The "bulge" is the real number multiplier for the normal that determines the offset direction of the midpoint of each arc. The length of the bulge sequence is exactly 1 less than the length of the control point array, since a bulge is needed for each pair of adjacent points in the control point array. The bulge is not given by a distance, since it is simply a multiplier for the normal.
The midpoint of the resulting arc is given by: midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge*normal</documentation>
Element gml:ArcByBulgeType / gml:normal
The attribute "normal" is a vector normal (perpendicular) to the chord of the arc, the line joining the first and last point of the arc. In a 2D coordinate system, there are only two possible directions for the normal, and it is often given as a signed real, indicating its length, with a positive sign indicating a left turn angle from the chord line, and a negative sign indicating a right turn from the chord. In 3D, the normal determines the plane of the arc, along with the start and endPoint of the arc. The normal is usually a unit vector, but this is not absolutely necessary. If the normal is a zero vector, the geometric object becomes equivalent to the straight line between the two end points. The length of the normal sequence is exactly the same as for the bulge sequence, 1 less than the control point sequence length.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="normal" type="gml:VectorType">
    <documentation>The attribute "normal" is a vector normal (perpendicular) to the chord of the arc, the line joining the first and last
point of the arc. In a 2D coordinate system, there are only two possible directions for the normal, and it is often given as a signed real, indicating its length, with a positive sign indicating a left turn angle from the chord line, and a negative sign indicating a right turn from the chord. In 3D, the normal determines the plane of the arc, along with the start and endPoint of the arc.
The normal is usually a unit vector, but this is not absolutely necessary. If the normal is a zero vector, the geometric object becomes equivalent to the straight line between the two end points. The length of the normal sequence is exactly the same as for the bulge sequence, 1 less than the control point sequence length.</documentation>
Element gml:ArcByCenterPoint
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2899 index27.tmp#id2900 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2896 index27.tmp#id2897 index27.tmp#id2898 index27.tmp#id2895 index27.tmp#id2862 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:ArcByCenterPointType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:radius , gml:startAngle{0,1} , gml:endAngle{0,1}
Children gml:coordinates, gml:endAngle, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList, gml:radius, gml:startAngle
<gml:ArcByCenterPoint interpolation="circularArcCenterPointWithRadius" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:radius uom="">{1,1}</gml:radius>
  <gml:startAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:startAngle>
  <gml:endAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:endAngle>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArcCenterPointWithRadius optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcByCenterPoint the interpolation is fixed as "circularArcCenterPointWithRadius".
numArc integer 1 required
Since this type describes always a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="ArcByCenterPoint" type="gml:ArcByCenterPointType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:ArcByCenterPointType / gml:radius
The radius of the arc.
Diagram index15.tmp#id2463 index15.tmp#id2462 index48.tmp#id2547
Type gml:LengthType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
uom anyURI required
<element name="radius" type="gml:LengthType">
    <documentation>The radius of the arc.</documentation>
Element gml:ArcByCenterPointType / gml:startAngle
The bearing of the arc at the start.
Diagram index15.tmp#id2463 index15.tmp#id2462 index48.tmp#id2471
Type gml:AngleType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
uom anyURI required
<element name="startAngle" type="gml:AngleType" minOccurs="0">
    <documentation>The bearing of the arc at the start.</documentation>
Element gml:ArcByCenterPointType / gml:endAngle
The bearing of the arc at the end.
Diagram index15.tmp#id2463 index15.tmp#id2462 index48.tmp#id2471
Type gml:AngleType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
uom anyURI required
<element name="endAngle" type="gml:AngleType" minOccurs="0">
    <documentation>The bearing of the arc at the end.</documentation>
Element gml:CircleByCenterPoint
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2899 index27.tmp#id2900 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2896 index27.tmp#id2897 index27.tmp#id2898 index27.tmp#id2895 index27.tmp#id2901 index27.tmp#id2861
Type gml:CircleByCenterPointType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:radius , gml:startAngle{0,1} , gml:endAngle{0,1}
Children gml:coordinates, gml:endAngle, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList, gml:radius, gml:startAngle
<gml:CircleByCenterPoint interpolation="circularArcCenterPointWithRadius" numArc="1" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:radius uom="">{1,1}</gml:radius>
  <gml:startAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:startAngle>
  <gml:endAngle uom="">{0,1}</gml:endAngle>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType circularArcCenterPointWithRadius optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an ArcByCenterPoint the interpolation is fixed as "circularArcCenterPointWithRadius".
numArc integer 1 required
Since this type describes always a single arc, the attribute is fixed to "1".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="CircleByCenterPoint" type="gml:CircleByCenterPointType" substitutionGroup="gml:ArcByCenterPoint"/>
Element gml:OffsetCurve
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2903 index27.tmp#id2904 index27.tmp#id2905 index27.tmp#id2902 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:OffsetCurveType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:offsetBase , gml:distance , gml:refDirection{0,1}
Children gml:distance, gml:offsetBase, gml:refDirection
<gml:OffsetCurve numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:offsetBase xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:offsetBase>
  <gml:distance uom="">{1,1}</gml:distance>
  <gml:refDirection axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{0,1}</gml:refDirection>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="OffsetCurve" type="gml:OffsetCurveType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:OffsetCurveType / gml:offsetBase
offsetBase is a reference to thecurve from which this curve is define as an offset.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index23.tmp#id236 index23.tmp#id2526
Type gml:CurvePropertyType
content: complex
Model gml:_Curve
Children gml:_Curve
<gml:offsetBase xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <gml:_Curve axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:_Curve>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="offsetBase" type="gml:CurvePropertyType">
    <documentation>offsetBase is a reference to thecurve from which this
							 curve is define	as an offset.</documentation>
Element gml:OffsetCurveType / gml:distance
distance is the distance at which the offset curve is generated from the basis curve. In 2D systems, positive distances are to be to the left of the basis curve, and the negative distances are to be to the right of the basis curve.
Diagram index15.tmp#id2463 index15.tmp#id2462 index48.tmp#id2547
Type gml:LengthType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
uom anyURI required
<element name="distance" type="gml:LengthType">
    <documentation>distance is the distance at which the
							 offset curve is generated from the basis curve. In 2D systems, positive distances
							 are to be to the left of the basis curve, and the negative distances are to be to the 
							 right of the basis curve.</documentation>
Element gml:OffsetCurveType / gml:refDirection
refDistance is used to define the vector direction of the offset curve from the basis curve. It can be omitted in the 2D case, where the distance can be positive or negative. In that case, distance defines left side (positive distance) or right side (negative distance) with respect to the tangent to the basis curve. In 3D the basis curve shall have a well defined tangent direction for every point. The offset curve at any point in 3D, the basis curve shall have a well-defined tangent direction for every point. The offset curve at any point (parameter) on the basis curve c is in the direction - - - - s = v x t where v = c.refDirection() and - t = c.tangent() - For the offset direction to be well-defined, v shall not on any point of the curve be in the same, or opposite, direction as - t. The default value of the refDirection shall be the local co-ordinate axis vector for elevation, which indicates up for the curve in a geographic sense. NOTE! If the refDirection is the positive tangent to the local elevation axis ("points upward"), then the offset vector points to the left of the curve when viewed from above.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="refDirection" type="gml:VectorType" minOccurs="0">
    <documentation>refDistance is used to define the vector
       direction of the offset curve from the basis curve. It can
       be omitted in the 2D case, where the distance can be 
       positive or negative. In that case, distance defines left
       side (positive distance) or right side (negative distance)
       with respect to the tangent to the basis curve.

       In 3D the basis curve shall have a well defined tangent 
       direction for every point. The offset curve at any point 
       in 3D, the basis curve shall have a well-defined tangent
       direction for every point. The offset curve at any point
       (parameter) on the basis curve c is in the direction
       -   -   -         -               
       s = v x t  where  v = c.refDirection()  
       t = c.tangent()
       For the offset direction to be well-defined, v shall not
       on any point of the curve be in the same, or opposite, 
       direction as

       The default value of the refDirection shall be the local
       co-ordinate axis vector for elevation, which indicates up for
       the curve in a geographic sense.

       NOTE! If the refDirection is the positive tangent to the
       local elevation axis ("points upward"), then the offset
       vector points to the left of the curve when viewed from
Element gml:AffinePlacement
Diagram index27.tmp#id2908 index27.tmp#id2909 index27.tmp#id2910 index27.tmp#id2911 index27.tmp#id2907
Type gml:AffinePlacementType
content: complex
Used by
Model gml:location , gml:refDirection+ , gml:inDimension , gml:outDimension
Children gml:inDimension, gml:location, gml:outDimension, gml:refDirection
  <gml:location axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:location>
  <gml:refDirection axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,unbounded}</gml:refDirection>
<element name="AffinePlacement" type="gml:AffinePlacementType"/>
Element gml:AffinePlacementType / gml:location
The location property gives the target of the parameter space origin. This is the vector (x0, y0, z0) in the formulae above.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id221
Type gml:DirectPositionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="location" type="gml:DirectPositionType">
    <documentation>The location property gives 
     the target of the parameter space origin. This is the vector  
    (x0, y0, z0) in the formulae above.</documentation>
Element gml:AffinePlacementType / gml:refDirection
The attribute refDirection gives the target directions for the co-ordinate basis vectors of the parameter space. These are the columns of the matrix in the formulae given above. The number of directions given shall be inDimension. The dimension of the directions shall be outDimension.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="refDirection" type="gml:VectorType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>The attribute refDirection gives the    
target directions for the co-ordinate basis vectors of the  
parameter space. These are the columns of the matrix in the 
formulae given above. The number of directions given shall be 
inDimension. The dimension of the directions shall be 
Element gml:AffinePlacementType / gml:inDimension
Dimension of the constructive parameter space.
Type positiveInteger
content: simple
<element name="inDimension" type="positiveInteger">
    <documentation>Dimension of the constructive parameter 
Element gml:AffinePlacementType / gml:outDimension
Dimension of the co-ordinate space.
Type positiveInteger
content: simple
<element name="outDimension" type="positiveInteger">
    <documentation>Dimension of the co-ordinate space.</documentation>
Element gml:Clothoid
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2913 index27.tmp#id2914 index27.tmp#id2915 index27.tmp#id2916 index27.tmp#id2912 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:ClothoidType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:refLocation , gml:scaleFactor , gml:startParameter , gml:endParameter
Children gml:endParameter, gml:refLocation, gml:scaleFactor, gml:startParameter
<gml:Clothoid numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="Clothoid" type="gml:ClothoidType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:ClothoidType / gml:refLocation
Diagram index27.tmp#id2906
content: complex
Model gml:AffinePlacement
Children gml:AffinePlacement
<element name="refLocation">
      <element ref="gml:AffinePlacement">
          <documentation>The "refLocation" is an affine mapping 
          that places  the curve defined by the Fresnel Integrals  
          into the co-ordinate reference system of this object.</documentation>
Element gml:ClothoidType / gml:scaleFactor
The element gives the value for the constant in the Fresnel's integrals.
Type decimal
content: simple
<element name="scaleFactor" type="decimal">
    <documentation>The element gives the value for the
       constant in the Fresnel's integrals.</documentation>
Element gml:ClothoidType / gml:startParameter
The startParameter is the arc length distance from the inflection point that will be the start point for this curve segment. This shall be lower limit used in the Fresnel integral and is the value of the constructive parameter of this curve segment at its start point. The startParameter can either be positive or negative. NOTE! If 0.0 (zero), lies between the startParameter and the endParameter of the clothoid, then the curve goes through the clothoid's inflection point, and the direction of its radius of curvature, given by the second derivative vector, changes sides with respect to the tangent vector. The term length distance for the
Type double
content: simple
<element name="startParameter" type="double">
    <documentation>The startParameter is the arc length
       distance from the inflection point that will be the start
       point for this curve segment. This shall be lower limit
       used in the Fresnel integral and is the value of the
       constructive parameter of this curve segment at its start
       point. The startParameter can either be positive or
       NOTE! If 0.0 (zero), lies between the startParameter and
       the endParameter of the clothoid, then the curve goes
       through the clothoid's inflection point, and the direction
       of its radius of curvature, given by the second
       derivative vector, changes sides with respect to the
       tangent vector. The term length distance for the</documentation>
Element gml:ClothoidType / gml:endParameter
The endParameter is the arc length distance from the inflection point that will be the end point for this curve segment. This shall be upper limit used in the Fresnel integral and is the value of the constructive parameter of this curve segment at its start point. The startParameter can either be positive or negative.
Type double
content: simple
<element name="endParameter" type="double">
    <documentation>The endParameter is the arc length
       distance from the inflection point that will be the end
       point for this curve segment. This shall be upper limit
       used in the Fresnel integral and is the value of the
       constructive parameter of this curve segment at its
       start point. The startParameter can either be positive
       or negative.</documentation>
Element gml:GeodesicString
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2918 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id2544 index27.tmp#id2917 index27.tmp#id2866 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:GeodesicStringType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:posList | gml:pos | gml:pointProperty
Children gml:pointProperty, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:GeodesicString interpolation="geodesic" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType geodesic optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an GeodesicString the interpolation is fixed as "geodesic".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="GeodesicString" type="gml:GeodesicStringType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:Geodesic
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2918 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id2544 index27.tmp#id2917 index27.tmp#id2919 index27.tmp#id2865
Type gml:GeodesicType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:posList | gml:pos | gml:pointProperty
Children gml:pointProperty, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:Geodesic interpolation="geodesic" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType geodesic optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For an GeodesicString the interpolation is fixed as "geodesic".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="Geodesic" type="gml:GeodesicType" substitutionGroup="gml:GeodesicString"/>
Element gml:CubicSpline
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2923 index27.tmp#id2924 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2921 index27.tmp#id2922 index27.tmp#id2920 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:CubicSplineType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:vectorAtStart , gml:vectorAtEnd
Children gml:coordinates, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList, gml:vectorAtEnd, gml:vectorAtStart
<gml:CubicSpline degree="3" interpolation="cubicSpline" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
  <gml:vectorAtStart axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:vectorAtStart>
  <gml:vectorAtEnd axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:vectorAtEnd>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
degree integer 3 optional
The degree for a cubic spline is "3".
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType cubicSpline optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For a CubicSpline the interpolation is fixed as "cubicSpline".
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="CubicSpline" type="gml:CubicSplineType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:CubicSplineType / gml:vectorAtStart
"vectorAtStart" is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="vectorAtStart" type="gml:VectorType">
    <documentation>"vectorAtStart" is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline.</documentation>
Element gml:CubicSplineType / gml:vectorAtEnd
"vectorAtEnd" is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline.
Diagram index15.tmp#id222 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id2469
Type gml:VectorType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="vectorAtEnd" type="gml:VectorType">
    <documentation>"vectorAtEnd" is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline.</documentation>
Element gml:KnotType / gml:value
The property "value" is the value of the parameter at the knot of the spline. The sequence of knots shall be a non-decreasing sequence. That is, each knot's value in the sequence shall be equal to or greater than the previous knot's value. The use of equal consecutive knots is normally handled using the multiplicity.
Type double
content: simple
<element name="value" type="double">
    <documentation>The property "value" is the value of the parameter at the knot of the spline. The sequence of knots shall be a non-decreasing sequence. That is, each knot's value in the sequence shall be equal to or greater than the previous knot's value. The use of equal consecutive knots is normally handled using the multiplicity.</documentation>
Element gml:KnotType / gml:multiplicity
The property "multiplicity" is the multiplicity of this knot used in the definition of the spline (with the same weight).
Type nonNegativeInteger
content: simple
<element name="multiplicity" type="nonNegativeInteger">
    <documentation>The property "multiplicity" is the multiplicity of this knot used in the definition of the spline (with the same weight).</documentation>
Element gml:KnotType / gml:weight
The property "weight" is the value of the averaging weight used for this knot of the spline.
Type double
content: simple
<element name="weight" type="double">
    <documentation>The property "weight" is the value of the averaging weight used for this knot of the spline.</documentation>
Element gml:KnotPropertyType / gml:Knot
Diagram index27.tmp#id2926 index27.tmp#id2927 index27.tmp#id2928 index27.tmp#id2925
Type gml:KnotType
content: complex
Model gml:value , gml:multiplicity , gml:weight
Children gml:multiplicity, gml:value, gml:weight
<element name="Knot" type="gml:KnotType"/>
Element gml:BSpline
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2934 index27.tmp#id2935 index27.tmp#id2936 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2932 index27.tmp#id2933 index27.tmp#id2931 index27.tmp#id2869 index27.tmp#id2854
Type gml:BSplineType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:degree , gml:knot{2,unbounded}
Children gml:coordinates, gml:degree, gml:knot, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:BSpline interpolation="polynomialSpline" isPolynomial="" knotType="" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType polynomialSpline optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For a BSpline the interpolation can be either "polynomialSpline" or "rationalSpline", default is "polynomialSpline".
isPolynomial boolean optional
The attribute isPolynomial is set to true if this is a polynomial spline.
knotType gml:KnotTypesType optional
The attribute "knotType" gives the type of knot distribution used in defining this spline. This is for information only and is set according to the different construction-functions.
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="BSpline" type="gml:BSplineType" substitutionGroup="gml:_CurveSegment"/>
Element gml:BSplineType / gml:degree
The attribute "degree" shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
Type nonNegativeInteger
content: simple
<element name="degree" type="nonNegativeInteger">
    <documentation>The attribute "degree" shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.</documentation>
Element gml:BSplineType / gml:knot
The property "knot" shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2930 index27.tmp#id2929
Type gml:KnotPropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 2
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model gml:Knot
Children gml:Knot
<element name="knot" type="gml:KnotPropertyType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <documentation>The property "knot" shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.</documentation>
Element gml:Bezier
Diagram index27.tmp#id2871 index27.tmp#id2872 index27.tmp#id2873 index27.tmp#id2870 index27.tmp#id2934 index27.tmp#id2935 index27.tmp#id2936 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2932 index27.tmp#id2933 index27.tmp#id2931 index27.tmp#id2941 index27.tmp#id2942 index27.tmp#id2943 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id239 index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id223 index27.tmp#id2939 index27.tmp#id2940 index27.tmp#id2938 index27.tmp#id2868
Type gml:BezierType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model (gml:pos | gml:pointProperty | gml:pointRep | gml:posList | gml:coordinates) , gml:degree , gml:knot{2,2}
Children gml:coordinates, gml:degree, gml:knot, gml:pointProperty, gml:pointRep, gml:pos, gml:posList
<gml:Bezier interpolation="polynomialSpline" isPolynomial="true" numDerivativeInterior="0" numDerivativesAtEnd="0" numDerivativesAtStart="0">
  <gml:pos axisLabels="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:pos>
  <gml:pointProperty xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointProperty>
  <gml:pointRep xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{1,1}</gml:pointRep>
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
  <gml:coordinates cs="," decimal="." ts=" ">{1,1}</gml:coordinates>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:CurveInterpolationType polynomialSpline optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the curve interpolation mechanism used for this segment. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters to determine the position of this curve segment. For a Bezier the interpolation is fixed as "polynomialSpline".
isPolynomial boolean true optional
The attribute isPolynomial is set to true as this is a polynomial spline.
numDerivativeInterior integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesInterior" specifies the type of continuity that is guaranteed interior to the curve. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtEnd integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtEnd" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its successor. If this is the last curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
numDerivativesAtStart integer 0 optional
The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor. If this is the first curve segment in the curve, one of these values, as appropriate, is ignored. The default value of "0" means simple continuity, which is a mandatory minimum level of continuity. This level is referred to as "C 0 " in mathematical texts. A value of 1 means that the function and its first derivative are continuous at the appropriate end point: "C 1 " continuity. A value of "n" for any integer means the function and its first n derivatives are continuous: "C n " continuity. NOTE: Use of these values is only appropriate when the basic curve definition is an underdetermined system. For example, line string segments cannot support continuity above C 0 , since there is no spare control parameter to adjust the incoming angle at the end points of the segment. Spline functions on the other hand often have extra degrees of freedom on end segments that allow them to adjust the values of the derivatives to support C 1 or higher continuity.
<element name="Bezier" type="gml:BezierType" substitutionGroup="gml:BSpline"/>
Element gml:BezierType / gml:degree
The attribute "degree" shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
Type nonNegativeInteger
content: simple
<element name="degree" type="nonNegativeInteger">
    <documentation>The attribute "degree" shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.</documentation>
Element gml:BezierType / gml:knot
The property "knot" shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2930 index27.tmp#id2929
Type gml:KnotPropertyType
content: complex
minOccurs: 2
maxOccurs: 2
Model gml:Knot
Children gml:Knot
<element name="knot" type="gml:KnotPropertyType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2">
    <documentation>The property "knot" shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.</documentation>
Element gml:Surface
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index23.tmp#id173 index22.tmp#id251 index27.tmp#id2945 index27.tmp#id2944 index27.tmp#id1937 index27.tmp#id1938 index22.tmp#id249
Type gml:SurfaceType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:patches
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name, gml:patches
<gml:Surface axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="Surface" type="gml:SurfaceType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Surface"/>
Element gml:patches
This property element contains a list of surface patches. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2949 index27.tmp#id2948 index27.tmp#id2946 index27.tmp#id2947
Type gml:SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType
content: complex
Substitution Group
Used by
Complex Type gml:SurfaceType
Model gml:_SurfacePatch
Children gml:_SurfacePatch
<element name="patches" type="gml:SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType">
    <documentation>This property element contains a list of surface patches. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.</documentation>
Element gml:_SurfacePatch
The "_SurfacePatch" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all surface pach elements describing a continuous portion of a surface.
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2950 index27.tmp#id2952 index27.tmp#id2951 index27.tmp#id2971
Type gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Used by
<element name="_SurfacePatch" type="gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType" abstract="true">
    <documentation>The "_SurfacePatch" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all surface pach elements describing a continuous portion of a surface.</documentation>
Element gml:baseSurface
This property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. A surface element is any element which is substitutable for "_Surface".
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index22.tmp#id249 index22.tmp#id1934
Type gml:SurfacePropertyType
content: complex
Used by
Model gml:_Surface
Children gml:_Surface
<gml:baseSurface xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
  <gml:_Surface axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:_Surface>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="baseSurface" type="gml:SurfacePropertyType">
      <sch:pattern name="Check either href or content not both">
        <sch:rule context="gml:baseSurface">
          <sch:extends rule="hrefOrContent"/>
    <documentation>This property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. A surface element is any element which is substitutable for "_Surface".</documentation>
Element gml:OrientableSurface
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index23.tmp#id173 index22.tmp#id251 index27.tmp#id2959 index27.tmp#id2957 index27.tmp#id2958 index22.tmp#id249
Type gml:OrientableSurfaceType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:baseSurface
Children gml:baseSurface, gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:OrientableSurface axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" orientation="+" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
orientation gml:SignType + optional
If the orientation is "+", then the OrientableSurface is identical to the baseSurface. If the orientation is "-", then the OrientableSurface is a reference to a Surface with an up-normal that reverses the direction for this OrientableSurface, the sense of "the top of the surface". "+" is the default value.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="OrientableSurface" type="gml:OrientableSurfaceType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Surface"/>
Element gml:PolygonPatch
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2961 index22.tmp#id252 index22.tmp#id260 index27.tmp#id2960 index27.tmp#id2949
Type gml:PolygonPatchType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Used by
Model gml:exterior{0,1} , gml:interior*
Children gml:exterior, gml:interior
<gml:PolygonPatch interpolation="planar">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:SurfaceInterpolationType planar optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the interpolation mechanism used for this surface patch. Currently only planar surface patches are defined in GML 3, the attribute is fixed to "planar", i.e. the interpolation method shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.
<element name="PolygonPatch" type="gml:PolygonPatchType" substitutionGroup="gml:_SurfacePatch"/>
Element gml:Triangle
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2964 index22.tmp#id252 index27.tmp#id2963 index27.tmp#id2949
Type gml:TriangleType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Used by
Model gml:exterior
Children gml:exterior
<gml:Triangle interpolation="planar">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:SurfaceInterpolationType planar optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the interpolation mechanism used for this surface patch. Currently only planar surface patches are defined in GML 3, the attribute is fixed to "planar", i.e. the interpolation method shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.
<element name="Triangle" type="gml:TriangleType" substitutionGroup="gml:_SurfacePatch"/>
Element gml:Rectangle
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2966 index22.tmp#id252 index27.tmp#id2965 index27.tmp#id2949
Type gml:RectangleType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:exterior
Children gml:exterior
<gml:Rectangle interpolation="planar">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
interpolation gml:SurfaceInterpolationType planar optional
The attribute "interpolation" specifies the interpolation mechanism used for this surface patch. Currently only planar surface patches are defined in GML 3, the attribute is fixed to "planar", i.e. the interpolation method shall return points on a single plane. The boundary of the patch shall be contained within that plane.
<element name="Rectangle" type="gml:RectangleType" substitutionGroup="gml:_SurfacePatch"/>
Element gml:Ring
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index23.tmp#id212 index23.tmp#id213 index23.tmp#id174 index22.tmp#id259 index27.tmp#id2806 index27.tmp#id2967 index22.tmp#id255
Type gml:RingType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Used by
Complex Type gml:RingPropertyType
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:curveMember+
Children gml:curveMember, gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:Ring axisLabels="" gid="" gml:id="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
axisLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
gid string optional
This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
srsDimension positiveInteger optional
The "srsDimension" is the length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries in the list). This dimension is specified by the coordinate reference system. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall be omitted.
srsName anyURI optional
In general this reference points to a CRS instance of gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemType (see coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd). For well known references it is not required that the CRS description exists at the location the URI points to. If no srsName attribute is given, the CRS must be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, e.g. a geometric element like point, curve, etc. It is expected that this attribute will be specified at the direct position level only in rare cases.
uomLabels gml:NCNameList optional
Ordered list of unit of measure (uom) labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbiddden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted.
<element name="Ring" type="gml:RingType" substitutionGroup="gml:_Ring"/>
Element gml:PointGrid / gml:row
Diagram index23.tmp#id240 index23.tmp#id220 index23.tmp#id168 index23.tmp#id2544 index23.tmp#id2545
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model (gml:posList | gml:pos | gml:pointProperty)
Children gml:pointProperty, gml:pos, gml:posList
  <gml:posList axisLabels="" count="" srsDimension="" srsName="" uomLabels="">{1,1}</gml:posList>
<element name="row" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <group ref="gml:geometricPositionListGroup"/>
Element gml:_ParametricCurveSurface
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2972 index27.tmp#id2973 index27.tmp#id2949
Type gml:AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
<element name="_ParametricCurveSurface" type="gml:AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_SurfacePatch"/>
Element gml:_GriddedSurface
Diagram index27.tmp#id2956 index27.tmp#id2972 index27.tmp#id2970 index27.tmp#id2969 index27.tmp#id2975 index27.tmp#id2976 index27.tmp#id2974 index27.tmp#id2953 index27.tmp#id2954 index27.tmp#id2955 index27.tmp#id2971
Type gml:AbstractGriddedSurfaceType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:row+ , gml:rows{0,1} , gml:columns{0,1}
Children gml:columns, gml:row, gml:rows
<element name="_GriddedSurface" type="gml:AbstractGriddedSurfaceType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_ParametricCurveSurface"/>
Element gml:AbstractGriddedSurfaceType / gml:rows
The attribute rows gives the number of rows in the parameter grid.
Type integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<element name="rows" type="integer" minOccurs="0">