
Used by
Included schema gmlBase.xsd
GML base schema for GML 3 Components to support the GML encoding model. The abstract Schematron rules can be used by any schema that includes gmlBase. GML is an OGC Standard. Copyright (c) 2001,2005,2010 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit .
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: qualified
Element gml:metaDataProperty
Contains or refers to a metadata package that contains metadata properties.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id196 index4.tmp#id178
Type gml:MetaDataPropertyType
content: complex
Used by
Element Groups gml:StandardDefinitionProperties, gml:StandardObjectProperties
Complex Types gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType, gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationType, gml:AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType, gml:AbstractCoordinateSystemType, gml:AbstractDatumBaseType, gml:AbstractDatumType, gml:AbstractGeneralConversionType, gml:AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType, gml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType, gml:AbstractGeneralTransformationType, gml:AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType, gml:AbstractReferenceSystemType, gml:AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType, gml:BaseUnitType, gml:CartesianCSType, gml:CompoundCRSType, gml:ConcatenatedOperationType, gml:ConventionalUnitType, gml:ConversionType, gml:CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType, gml:CoordinateSystemAxisType, gml:CylindricalCSType, gml:DefinitionProxyType, gml:DefinitionType, gml:DerivedCRSType, gml:DerivedUnitType, gml:DictionaryType, gml:EllipsoidBaseType, gml:EllipsoidType, gml:EllipsoidalCSType, gml:EngineeringCRSType, gml:EngineeringDatumType, gml:GeocentricCRSType, gml:GeodeticDatumType, gml:GeographicCRSType, gml:ImageCRSType, gml:ImageDatumType, gml:LinearCSType, gml:ObliqueCartesianCSType, gml:OperationMethodBaseType, gml:OperationMethodType, gml:OperationParameterBaseType, gml:OperationParameterGroupBaseType, gml:OperationParameterGroupType, gml:OperationParameterType, gml:PassThroughOperationType, gml:PolarCSType, gml:PrimeMeridianBaseType, gml:PrimeMeridianType, gml:ProjectedCRSType, gml:SphericalCSType, gml:TemporalCRSType, gml:TemporalCSType, gml:TemporalDatumBaseType, gml:TemporalDatumType, gml:TimeCalendarEraType, gml:TimeCalendarType, gml:TimeClockType, gml:TimeCoordinateSystemType, gml:TimeOrdinalEraType, gml:TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemType, gml:TransformationType, gml:UnitDefinitionType, gml:UserDefinedCSType, gml:VerticalCRSType, gml:VerticalCSType, gml:VerticalDatumType
Model ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
about anyURI optional
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="metaDataProperty" type="gml:MetaDataPropertyType">
    <documentation>Contains or refers to a metadata package that contains metadata properties.</documentation>
Element gml:description
Contains a simple text description of the object, or refers to an external description.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id198
Type gml:StringOrRefType
content: complex
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="description" type="gml:StringOrRefType">
    <documentation>Contains a simple text description of the object, or refers to an external description.</documentation>
Element gml:name
Label for the object, normally a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities. The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute. The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace.
Diagram index15.tmp#id210 index15.tmp#id209 index17.tmp#id205 index26.tmp#id201 index21.tmp#id202 index21.tmp#id204 index17.tmp#id208 index21.tmp#id203 index17.tmp#id206 index17.tmp#id207 index18.tmp#id200
Type gml:CodeType
content: complex
Substitution Group
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
codeSpace anyURI optional
<element name="name" type="gml:CodeType">
    <documentation>Label for the object, normally a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities.  The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute.  The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace.</documentation>
Element gml:_Object
This abstract element is the head of a substitutionGroup hierararchy which may contain either simpleContent or complexContent elements. It is used to assert the model position of "class" elements declared in other GML schemas.
Diagram index4.tmp#id2424 index4.tmp#id2672
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Used by
<element name="_Object" abstract="true">
    <documentation>This abstract element is the head of a substitutionGroup hierararchy which may contain either simpleContent or complexContent elements.  It is used to assert the model position of "class" elements declared in other GML schemas.</documentation>
Element gml:_GML
Global element which acts as the head of a substitution group that may include any element which is a GML feature, object, geometry or complex value
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index4.tmp#id2652 index4.tmp#id2651 index16.tmp#id2576 index33.tmp#id2660 index33.tmp#id2661 index33.tmp#id2664 index33.tmp#id2663 index33.tmp#id2662 index25.tmp#id2498 index23.tmp#id258 index33.tmp#id3379 index34.tmp#id2433 index12.tmp#id2422 index5.tmp#id2754 index4.tmp#id2650
Type gml:AbstractGMLType
content: complex
abstract: true
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name*
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:_GML gml:id="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<element name="_GML" type="gml:AbstractGMLType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_Object">
    <documentation>Global element which acts as the head of a substitution group that may include any element which is a GML feature, object, geometry or complex value</documentation>
Element gml:Bag
Generic GML element to contain a heterogeneous collection of GML _Objects
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index4.tmp#id2667 index4.tmp#id2669 index4.tmp#id2666 index4.tmp#id2424
Type gml:BagType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:member* , gml:members{0,1}
Children gml:description, gml:member, gml:members, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:Bag gml:id="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<element name="Bag" type="gml:BagType" substitutionGroup="gml:_GML">
    <documentation>Generic GML element to contain a heterogeneous collection of GML _Objects</documentation>
Element gml:member
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id2650 index4.tmp#id2668
Type gml:AssociationType
content: complex
Used by
Complex Type gml:BagType
Model gml:_Object
Children gml:_Object
<gml:member xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="member" type="gml:AssociationType"/>
Element gml:members
Diagram index4.tmp#id2650 index4.tmp#id2670
Type gml:ArrayAssociationType
content: complex
Used by
Complex Types gml:ArrayType, gml:BagType
Model gml:_Object*
Children gml:_Object
<element name="members" type="gml:ArrayAssociationType"/>
Element gml:Array
Generic GML element to contain a homogeneous array of GML _Objects
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index4.tmp#id2669 index4.tmp#id2671 index4.tmp#id2424
Type gml:ArrayType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:members{0,1}
Children gml:description, gml:members, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<gml:Array gml:id="">
  <gml:metaDataProperty about="" xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,unbounded}</gml:metaDataProperty>
  <gml:description xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">{0,1}</gml:description>
  <gml:name codeSpace="">{0,unbounded}</gml:name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<element name="Array" type="gml:ArrayType" substitutionGroup="gml:_GML">
    <documentation>Generic GML element to contain a homogeneous array of GML _Objects</documentation>
Element gml:_MetaData
Abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group for packages of MetaData properties.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id2673 index4.tmp#id2653 index4.tmp#id2650
Type gml:AbstractMetaDataType
content: complex
abstract: true
mixed: true
Substitution Group
Substitution Group Affiliation
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<element name="_MetaData" type="gml:AbstractMetaDataType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_Object">
    <documentation>Abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group for packages of MetaData properties.</documentation>
Element gml:GenericMetaData
Concrete element in the _MetaData substitution group, which permits any well-formed XML content. Intended to act as a container for metadata defined in external schemas, for which it is not possible to add the concrete components to the GML _MetaData substitution group directly. Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id2673 index4.tmp#id2674 index4.tmp#id2672
Type gml:GenericMetaDataType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
mixed: true
Substitution Group Affiliation
Model ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<element name="GenericMetaData" type="gml:GenericMetaDataType" substitutionGroup="gml:_MetaData">
    <documentation>Concrete element in the _MetaData substitution group, which permits any well-formed XML content.  Intended to act as a container for metadata defined in external schemas, for which it is not possible to add the concrete components to the GML _MetaData substitution group directly. Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0.</documentation>
Element gml:_association
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id2650 index4.tmp#id2668
Type gml:AssociationType
content: complex
abstract: true
Model gml:_Object
Children gml:_Object
<gml:_association xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="_association" type="gml:AssociationType" abstract="true"/>
Element gml:_strictAssociation
must carry a reference to an object or contain an object but not both
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id2650 index4.tmp#id2668
Type gml:AssociationType
content: complex
abstract: true
Model gml:_Object
Children gml:_Object
<gml:_strictAssociation xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" gml:remoteSchema="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="_strictAssociation" type="gml:AssociationType" abstract="true">
      <sch:pattern name="refAndContent co-occurence prohibited">
        <sch:rule context="gml:_strictAssociation">
          <sch:extends rule="hrefOrContent"/>
    <documentation>must carry a reference to an object or contain an object but not both</documentation>
Element gml:_reference
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id2583
Type gml:ReferenceType
content: complex
abstract: true
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<element name="_reference" type="gml:ReferenceType" abstract="true"/>
Complex Type gml:AbstractGMLType
All complexContent GML elements are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract supertype to establish a hierarchy of GML types that may be distinguished from other XML types by their ancestry. Elements in this hierarchy may have an ID and are thus referenceable.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176
abstract: true
Used by
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name*
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<complexType name="AbstractGMLType" abstract="true">
    <documentation>All complexContent GML elements are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract supertype 
	to establish a hierarchy of GML types that may be distinguished from other XML types by their ancestry. 
	Elements in this hierarchy may have an ID and are thus referenceable.</documentation>
    <group ref="gml:StandardObjectProperties"/>
  <attribute ref="gml:id" use="optional"/>
Complex Type gml:MetaDataPropertyType
Base type for complex metadata property types.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id196
Used by
Model ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
about anyURI optional
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<complexType name="MetaDataPropertyType">
    <documentation>Base type for complex metadata property types.</documentation>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
    <any processContents="lax"/>
    <!-- <element ref="gml:_MetaData"/> -->
  <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
  <attribute name="about" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
Complex Type gml:StringOrRefType
This type is available wherever there is a need for a "text" type property. It is of string type, so the text can be included inline, but the value can also be referenced remotely via xlinks from the AssociationAttributeGroup. If the remote reference is present, then the value obtained by traversing the link should be used, and the string content of the element can be used for an annotation.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179
Type extension of string
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<complexType name="StringOrRefType">
    <documentation>This type is available wherever there is a need for a "text" type property. It is of string type, so the text can be included inline, but the value can also be referenced remotely via xlinks from the AssociationAttributeGroup. If the remote reference is present, then the value obtained by traversing the link should be used, and the string content of the element can be used for an annotation.</documentation>
    <extension base="string">
      <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
Complex Type gml:ReferenceType
A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to a UML aggregation association. An instance of this type serves as a pointer to a remote Object.
Diagram index4.tmp#id179
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<complexType name="ReferenceType">
    <documentation>A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to a UML aggregation association.  An instance of this type serves as a pointer to a remote Object.</documentation>
  <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
Complex Type gml:BagType
A non-abstract generic collection type that can be used as a document element for a collection of any GML types - Geometries, Topologies, Features ... FeatureCollections may only contain Features. GeometryCollections may only contain Geometrys. Bags are less constrained they must contain objects that are substitutable for gml:_Object. This may mix several levels, including Features, Definitions, Dictionaries, Geometries etc. The content model would ideally be member 0..* members 0..1 member 0..* for maximum flexibility in building a collection from both homogeneous and distinct components: included "member" elements each contain a single Object an included "members" element contains a set of Objects However, this is non-deterministic, thus prohibited by XSD.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index4.tmp#id2667 index4.tmp#id2669
Type extension of gml:AbstractGMLType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gml:Bag
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:member* , gml:members{0,1}
Children gml:description, gml:member, gml:members, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<complexType name="BagType">
    <documentation>A non-abstract generic collection type that can be used as a document element for a collection of any GML types - Geometries, Topologies, Features ...

FeatureCollections may only contain Features.  GeometryCollections may only contain Geometrys.  Bags are less constrained  they must contain objects that are substitutable for gml:_Object.  This may mix several levels, including Features, Definitions, Dictionaries, Geometries etc.  

The content model would ideally be 
   member 0..*
   members 0..1
   member 0..*
for maximum flexibility in building a collection from both homogeneous and distinct components: 
included "member" elements each contain a single Object
an included "members" element contains a set of Objects 

However, this is non-deterministic, thus prohibited by XSD.</documentation>
    <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType">
        <element ref="gml:member" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <element ref="gml:members" minOccurs="0"/>
Complex Type gml:AssociationType
A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to an unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation. Restricts the cardinality of Objects contained in the association to a maximum of one. An instance of this type can contain an element representing an Object, or serve as a pointer to a remote Object. Descendents of this type can be restricted in an application schema to * allow only specified classes as valid participants in the aggregation * allow only association by reference (i.e. empty the content model) or by value (i.e. remove the xlinks). When used for association by reference, the value of the gml:remoteSchema attribute can be used to locate a schema fragment that constrains the target instance. In many cases it is desirable to impose the constraint prohibiting the occurence of both reference and value in the same instance, as that would be ambiguous. This is accomplished by adding a directive in the annotation element of the element declaration. This directive can be in the form of normative prose, or can use a Schematron pattern to automatically constrain co-occurrence - see the declaration for _strictAssociation below. If co-occurence is not prohibited, then both a link and content may be present. If this occurs in an instance, then the rule for interpretation is that the instance found by traversing the href provides the normative value of the property, and should be used when possible. The value(s) included as content may be used if the remote instance cannot be resolved. This may be considered to be a "cached" version of the value(s).
Diagram index4.tmp#id179 index4.tmp#id2650
Used by
Model gml:_Object
Children gml:_Object
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<complexType name="AssociationType">
    <documentation>A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to an  unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation.  Restricts the cardinality of Objects contained in the association to a maximum of one.  An instance of this type can contain an element representing an Object, or serve as a pointer to a remote Object.  

Descendents of this type can be restricted in an application schema to 
* allow only specified classes as valid participants in the aggregation
* allow only association by reference (i.e. empty the content model) or by value (i.e. remove the xlinks).    

When used for association by reference, the value of the gml:remoteSchema attribute can be used to locate a schema fragment that constrains the target instance.   

In many cases it is desirable to impose the constraint prohibiting the occurence of both reference and value in the same instance, as that would be ambiguous.  This is accomplished by adding a directive in the annotation element of the element declaration.  This directive can be in the form of normative prose, or can use a Schematron pattern to automatically constrain co-occurrence - see the declaration for _strictAssociation below.   

If co-occurence is not prohibited, then both a link and content may be present.  If this occurs in an instance, then the rule for interpretation is that the instance found by traversing the href provides the normative value of the property, and should be used when possible.  The value(s) included as content may be used if the remote instance cannot be resolved.  This may be considered to be a "cached" version of the value(s).</documentation>
  <sequence minOccurs="0">
    <element ref="gml:_Object"/>
  <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
Complex Type gml:ArrayAssociationType
A base for derived types used to specify complex types containing an array of objects, by unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation. An instance of this type contains elements representing Objects. Ideally this type would be derived by extension of AssociationType. However, this leads to a non-deterministic content model, since both the base and the extension have minOccurs="0", and is thus prohibited in XML Schema.
Diagram index4.tmp#id2650
Used by
Element gml:members
Model gml:_Object*
Children gml:_Object
<complexType name="ArrayAssociationType">
    <documentation>A base for derived types used to specify complex types containing an array of objects, by unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation.  An instance of this type contains elements representing Objects.

Ideally this type would be derived by extension of AssociationType.  
However, this leads to a non-deterministic content model, since both the base and the extension have minOccurs="0", and is thus prohibited in XML Schema.</documentation>
    <element ref="gml:_Object" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Complex Type gml:ArrayType
A non-abstract generic collection type that can be used as a document element for a homogeneous collection of any GML types - Geometries, Topologies, Features ...
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199 index4.tmp#id176 index4.tmp#id175 index4.tmp#id2669
Type extension of gml:AbstractGMLType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Element gml:Array
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name* , gml:members{0,1}
Children gml:description, gml:members, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<complexType name="ArrayType">
    <documentation>A non-abstract generic collection type that can be used as a document element for a homogeneous collection of any GML types - Geometries, Topologies, Features ...</documentation>
    <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType">
        <element ref="gml:members" minOccurs="0"/>
Complex Type gml:AbstractMetaDataType
An abstract base type for complex metadata types.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211
abstract: true
mixed: true
Used by
Element gml:_MetaData
Complex Type gml:GenericMetaDataType
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<complexType name="AbstractMetaDataType" abstract="true" mixed="true">
    <documentation>An abstract base type for complex metadata types.</documentation>
  <attribute ref="gml:id" use="optional"/>
Complex Type gml:GenericMetaDataType
Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0.
Diagram index4.tmp#id211 index4.tmp#id2673
Type extension of gml:AbstractMetaDataType
Type hierarchy
mixed: true
Used by
Model ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:id ID optional
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
<complexType name="GenericMetaDataType" mixed="true">
    <documentation>Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0.</documentation>
  <complexContent mixed="true">
    <extension base="gml:AbstractMetaDataType">
        <any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Attribute @gml:remoteSchema
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
Type anyURI
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="remoteSchema" type="anyURI">
    <documentation>Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.</documentation>
Attribute gml:MetaDataPropertyType / @about
Namespace No namespace
Type anyURI
use: optional
Used by
<attribute name="about" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
Attribute @gml:id
Database handle for the object. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs. An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods. This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.
Type ID
content: simple
Used by
<attribute name="id" type="ID">
    <documentation>Database handle for the object.  It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.  An external identifier for the object in the form of a URI may be constructed using standard XML and XPointer methods.  This is done by concatenating the URI for the document, a fragment separator, and the value of the id attribute.</documentation>
Element Group gml:StandardObjectProperties
This content model group makes it easier to construct types that derive from AbstractGMLType and its descendents "by restriction". A reference to the group saves having to enumerate the standard object properties.
Diagram index4.tmp#id177 index4.tmp#id197 index4.tmp#id199
Used by
Complex Types gml:AbstractContinuousCoverageType, gml:AbstractCoverageType, gml:AbstractCurveType, gml:AbstractDiscreteCoverageType, gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType, gml:AbstractFeatureType, gml:AbstractGMLType, gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType, gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType, gml:AbstractGeometryType, gml:AbstractRingType, gml:AbstractSolidType, gml:AbstractStyleType, gml:AbstractSurfaceType, gml:AbstractTimeComplexType, gml:AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType, gml:AbstractTimeObjectType, gml:AbstractTimePrimitiveType, gml:AbstractTimeSliceType, gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType, gml:AbstractTopoPrimitiveType, gml:AbstractTopologyType, gml:ArrayType, gml:BagType, gml:BaseStyleDescriptorType, gml:BoundedFeatureType, gml:CompositeCurveType, gml:CompositeSolidType, gml:CompositeSurfaceType, gml:CompositeValueType, gml:CurveType, gml:DirectedObservationAtDistanceType, gml:DirectedObservationType, gml:DynamicFeatureCollectionType, gml:DynamicFeatureType, gml:EdgeType, gml:FaceType, gml:FeatureCollectionType, gml:FeatureStyleType, gml:GeometricComplexType, gml:GeometryStyleType, gml:GraphStyleType, gml:GridCoverageType, gml:GridType, gml:LabelStyleType, gml:LineStringType, gml:LinearRingType, gml:MovingObjectStatusType, gml:MultiCurveCoverageType, gml:MultiCurveType, gml:MultiGeometryType, gml:MultiLineStringType, gml:MultiPointCoverageType, gml:MultiPointType, gml:MultiPolygonType, gml:MultiSolidCoverageType, gml:MultiSolidType, gml:MultiSurfaceCoverageType, gml:MultiSurfaceType, gml:NodeType, gml:ObservationType, gml:OrientableCurveType, gml:OrientableSurfaceType, gml:PointType, gml:PolygonType, gml:PolyhedralSurfaceType, gml:RectifiedGridCoverageType, gml:RectifiedGridType, gml:RingType, gml:SolidType, gml:StyleType, gml:SurfaceType, gml:TimeEdgeType, gml:TimeInstantType, gml:TimeNodeType, gml:TimePeriodType, gml:TimeTopologyComplexType, gml:TinType, gml:TopoComplexType, gml:TopoCurveType, gml:TopoPointType, gml:TopoSolidType, gml:TopoSurfaceType, gml:TopoVolumeType, gml:TopologyStyleType, gml:TriangulatedSurfaceType, gml:ValueArrayType
Model gml:metaDataProperty* , gml:description{0,1} , gml:name*
Children gml:description, gml:metaDataProperty, gml:name
<group name="StandardObjectProperties">
    <documentation>This content model group makes it easier to construct types that 
      derive from AbstractGMLType and its descendents "by restriction".  
      A reference to the group saves having to enumerate the standard object properties.</documentation>
    <element ref="gml:metaDataProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <element ref="gml:description" minOccurs="0"/>
    <element ref="gml:name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <documentation>Multiple names may be provided.  These will often be distinguished by being assigned by different authorities, as indicated by the value of the codeSpace attribute.  In an instance document there will usually only be one name per authority.</documentation>
Attribute Group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup
Attribute group used to enable property elements to refer to their value remotely. It contains the simple link components from xlinks.xsd, with all members optional, and the remoteSchema attribute, which is also optional. These attributes can be attached to any element, thus allowing it to act as a pointer. The 'remoteSchema' attribute allows an element that carries link attributes to indicate that the element is declared in a remote schema rather than by the schema that constrains the current document instance.
Diagram index30.tmp#id181 index30.tmp#id183 index30.tmp#id185 index30.tmp#id187 index30.tmp#id189 index30.tmp#id191 index30.tmp#id193 index30.tmp#id180 index4.tmp#id195
Used by
Complex Types gml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType, gml:AssociationType, gml:CRSRefType, gml:CartesianCSRefType, gml:CompositeCurvePropertyType, gml:CompositeSolidPropertyType, gml:CompositeSurfacePropertyType, gml:CompoundCRSRefType, gml:ConcatenatedOperationRefType, gml:ContainerPropertyType, gml:ConversionRefType, gml:CoordinateOperationRefType, gml:CoordinateReferenceSystemRefType, gml:CoordinateSystemAxisRefType, gml:CoordinateSystemRefType, gml:CurvePropertyType, gml:CylindricalCSRefType, gml:DatumRefType, gml:DefaultStylePropertyType, gml:DerivedCRSRefType, gml:DictionaryEntryType, gml:DirectedEdgePropertyType, gml:DirectedFacePropertyType, gml:DirectedNodePropertyType, gml:DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType, gml:DirectionPropertyType, gml:DomainSetType, gml:EllipsoidRefType, gml:EllipsoidalCSRefType, gml:EngineeringCRSRefType, gml:EngineeringDatumRefType, gml:FeaturePropertyType, gml:FeatureStylePropertyType, gml:GeneralConversionRefType, gml:GeneralTransformationRefType, gml:GeocentricCRSRefType, gml:GeodeticDatumRefType, gml:GeographicCRSRefType, gml:GeometricComplexPropertyType, gml:GeometricPrimitivePropertyType, gml:GeometryPropertyType, gml:GeometryStylePropertyType, gml:GraphStylePropertyType, gml:GridDomainType, gml:ImageCRSRefType, gml:ImageDatumRefType, gml:IsolatedPropertyType, gml:LabelStylePropertyType, gml:LineStringPropertyType, gml:LinearCSRefType, gml:LocationPropertyType, gml:MetaDataPropertyType, gml:MultiCurveDomainType, gml:MultiCurvePropertyType, gml:MultiGeometryPropertyType, gml:MultiLineStringPropertyType, gml:MultiPointDomainType, gml:MultiPointPropertyType, gml:MultiPolygonPropertyType, gml:MultiSolidDomainType, gml:MultiSolidPropertyType, gml:MultiSurfaceDomainType, gml:MultiSurfacePropertyType, gml:ObliqueCartesianCSRefType, gml:OperationMethodRefType, gml:OperationParameterGroupRefType, gml:OperationParameterRefType, gml:OperationRefType, gml:PassThroughOperationRefType, gml:PointPropertyType, gml:PolarCSRefType, gml:PolygonPropertyType, gml:PrimeMeridianRefType, gml:ProjectedCRSRefType, gml:RangeParametersType, gml:RectifiedGridDomainType, gml:ReferenceSystemRefType, gml:ReferenceType, gml:SingleOperationRefType, gml:SolidPropertyType, gml:SphericalCSRefType, gml:StringOrRefType, gml:SurfacePropertyType, gml:SymbolType, gml:TargetPropertyType, gml:TemporalCRSRefType, gml:TemporalCSRefType, gml:TemporalDatumRefType, gml:TimeCalendarEraPropertyType, gml:TimeCalendarPropertyType, gml:TimeClockPropertyType, gml:TimeEdgePropertyType, gml:TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyType, gml:TimeInstantPropertyType, gml:TimeNodePropertyType, gml:TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType, gml:TimePeriodPropertyType, gml:TimePrimitivePropertyType, gml:TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType, gml:TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType, gml:TopoComplexMemberType, gml:TopoPrimitiveMemberType, gml:TopologyStylePropertyType, gml:TransformationRefType, gml:UserDefinedCSRefType, gml:ValuePropertyType, gml:VerticalCRSRefType, gml:VerticalCSRefType, gml:VerticalDatumRefType
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
gml:remoteSchema anyURI optional
Reference to an XML Schema fragment that specifies the content model of the propertys value. This is in conformance with the XML Schema Section 4.14 Referencing Schemas from Elsewhere.
xlink:actuate xlink:actuateType optional
xlink:arcrole xlink:arcroleType optional
xlink:href xlink:hrefType optional
xlink:role xlink:roleType optional
xlink:show xlink:showType optional
xlink:title xlink:titleAttrType optional
xlink:type xlink:typeType simple optional
<attributeGroup name="AssociationAttributeGroup">
    <documentation>Attribute group used to enable property elements to refer to their value remotely. It contains the simple link components from xlinks.xsd, with all members optional, and the remoteSchema attribute, which is also optional.  These attributes can be attached to any element, thus allowing it to act as a pointer. The 'remoteSchema' attribute allows an element  that carries link attributes to indicate that the element is declared  in a remote schema rather than by the schema that constrains the current document instance.</documentation>
  <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleAttrs"/>
  <attribute ref="gml:remoteSchema" use="optional"/>